BREEAM (Building Research Establishments Environmental Assessment Method) UK New Construction Assessments
– These are performance based assessments typically required by planning authorities for new buildings being constructed in the UK. The assessment takes into account many aspects of the building including management, health and wellbeing, energy, transport, water, materials, waste, land use and ecology, and pollution. The assessments can also be undertaken voluntarily by companies wishing to indicate their environmental awareness and gain credibility for such. David Walker is certified by BRE to carry out these assessments.
BREEAM International New Construction Assessments
– David Walker is certified by BRE to carry out assessments similar to the ones described for the UK but anywhere internationally.
BREEAM UK Refurbishment & Fit Out Assessments
– Occasionally new buildings are constructed by one developer and then fitted out by another company / contractor. The RFO assessments allow for the latter to be assessed under BREEAM and be certified as such. The assessment can also cover refurbishments of buildings and again can be voluntary. David Walker is certified by BRE to carry out these assessments.
BREEAM Advisory Professional
– This role can be used where clients require advice as to how they can pass the BREEAM accreditation. The appointment of a BREEAM AP gains some credits under the scheme. David Walker is certified by BRE to carry out the AP role, both at design and site stages.
SECR ( Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting)
– This requires businesses to include their energy use (including electricity, gas and transport) emissions and an intensity metric in their annual Directors’ report for financial years beginning on or after 1 April 2019. The government won’t specify the exact procedures that should be used for energy and carbon reporting, nor will they specify which intensity metrics to use. All SECR participants must provide a narrative commentary on energy efficiency action taken in the financial year. Quoted companies must continue to report on scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions (direct greenhouse gas emissions from owned or controlled sources and indirect emissions generated by purchased energy). Additionally, they’ll be required to report on global energy use, where appropriate. Unquoted companies will now also be required to report scope 1 and 2 emissions. Reporting of scope 3 emissions (all indirect emissions not included in scope 2) will remain voluntary for both quoted and unquoted companies. David Walker is a qualified CIBSE ( Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers ) ESOS lead assessor and therefore qualified to produce SECR reports.
ESOS ( Energy Saving Opportunity Scheme)
– This is an Environment Agency scheme designed to make companies aware of the energy saving opportunities available. If an organisation has more than 250 employees or have a turnover over 50 million euros and an annual balance sheet over 43 million euros on 31st December 2018 they qualify and had to notify that they were going to comply with ESOS by 5th December 2019. The 2nd phase compliance period being 6th December 2015 to 5th December 2019. The ESOS audit and survey must be carried out every 4 years. In order to comply an audit and survey is required. An ESOS registered lead assessor can carry out this work. David Walker is a qualified CIBSE ( Chartered Institute of Building Services Engineers ) ESOS lead assessor.
DEC ( Display Energy Certificates)
– All buildings over 250 square metres which are occupied by public authorities and by institutions providing public services to a large number of persons are required to show a DEC. A DEC is designed to publically display the year on year performance of a building. If the building is over 1000 square metres the DEC must be renewed each year. If the building is between 250 and 1000 square metres it must be renewed every 10 years. The proposal is to extend the requirement to all non-domestic buildings but nothing currently enforces that. A DEC and the associated advisory report can also be used to comply with ESOS. David Walker is qualified through Elmhurst Energy to produce DECs.
EPC ( Energy Performance Certificates )
– EPCs demonstrate how energy efficient a building is and take into account services and building construction. Non-domestic EPCs are required for all buildings when they are sold, let or newly constructed. Where an EPC is produced and the building is over 500 square metres and frequently visited by the public the EPC must be displayed. EPCs are valid for 10 years. All non-domestic buildings must achieve a minimum E rating. David Walker is a qualified CIBSE LCEA ( Low Carbon Energy Assessor ) licensed to produce EPCs.
– Normally required for BREEAM accreditation, Building User Guides provide occupants/end users of a building with a simple, quick and easy guide to the everyday functions of the building to ensure a safe and healthy work environment, and cover an overview of the building and its environmental strategy, details of controls, pre-arrival information for visitors, incident reporting information, details of local transport facilities and amenities and contact details. The guides can also be voluntarily produced by companies. M E Design Consultancy can produce these guides.
– Normally required for BREEAM accreditation. These studies look at the possibility of using LZC technologies such as air to air heat pumps, air to water heat pumps, free cooling, solar panels, etc and give an indication of capital cost and pay-back period. The studies can also be carried out voluntarily by companies. M E Design Consultancy can produce these guides.
– Full Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning design based on over 40 years of experience. The basis of our designs are that they are pragmatic and cost effective. Our expertise covers the commercial, retail, industrial, and hospitality sectors. The designs can include up to date technology such as R32 hybrid systems. Service can also include site inspections where required.